New Students

Our System

Danzan-Ryu Jujitsu (DZR) uses escapes, joint-locks, throws, pins, and strikes in combination as a method of self-defense. Beginning students will learn how to fall correctly, escape from basic attacks, and how to lock and pin opponents. Throws and more advanced joint locks are taught as students begin to advance. Over time, you learn how to combine the basic locks, throws, and pins into more advanced techniques. Strikes and some traditional weapons are taught as students advance as well as weapon defenses.

Our system is a traditional method of jujitsu. The physical techniques are taught in a specific progression that reflects the goals and principles of our art. The definition of jujitsu is the art of adaptability or pliability. We actively work against our nature to fight force with force and instead to redirect or 'go around'. This concept takes time to master and can be applied in all areas of life. In the words of the founder of our style, the ultimate goal of DZR is "perfection of character".

What to expect

Basic classes are two hours long twice a week. After a short meditation period, warm-ups last about 20 minutes and are primarily to increase the body temperature and take the joints through range of motion. Core basic exercises are practiced as a class before students are divided into rank appropriate groups for specific instruction. One of the core principles of our system is that higher ranks teach lower so brown or black belt students will be assigned to some groups. Each group will work on the specific jujitsu techniques for their rank requirements as assigned by the Sensei. The last ten minutes of class are devoted to conditioning and stretching.

What to wear

  1. For your first classes, wear comfortable workout clothing that you don't mind being stretched. Long pants are preferable as the mat can rub against knees during groundwork and rolling/falling practice.
  2. Have a water bottle and notebook/pen to keep at the side of the mat. Due to the number of techniques and use of japanese terminology, taking notes during or directly after class improves students ability to learn our art.
  3. Once you have committed to training, a traditional white judo gi (uniform) is the expected attire for training.


Folded Gi


  1. Clean gi (uniforms) are to be worn by all students (new students can wear loose fitting clothing such as sweats).
  2. Be ready to begin promptly with a proper mindset for training. If you are late, wait at the edge of the mat until you are bowed on by the instructor.
  3. No horseplay on/off the mat.
  4. Only practice techniques you have been introduced to by your instructor and only with students who have also been introduced to these techniques.
  5. No jewelry or watches are to be worn during class as they can catch on clothing or can cut other students.
  6. Keep finger/toenails trimmed.
  7. Please turn cell phones off during class.
  8. Always ask before stepping off the mat so that the instructor can know where everyone is during class.
  9. Bow on/off the mat.
  10. Line up in belt rank order at the beginning and ending of class.



Our system of jujitsu involves learning to roll and fall (Sutemi), to move and balance (Tai Sabaki), to escape from grabs and manipulate joints (Yawara), to throw & project (Nage), to submit an opponent (Shime), to counter and transition (Oku), to reverse damage and heal injuries (Seifukujitsu), as well as many other in-depth areas of focus. It differs from other systems of jujitsu, such as Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, in that the focus is not on sport or grappling. One advantage of our particular system as a method of self-defense is that it contains a broad range of defenses from simple escapes to more complex joint locks and breaks. Because of this, it can allow for a more appropriate response before a situation escalates to a point requiring maiming and lethal force.

The core curriculum of Danzan Ryu Jujitsu is divided into three main groups:

Shoden - Beginning Teachings

Yawara - (Techniques of Gentleness) Escapes and basic joint locks
Nage Te - (Throwing Techniques) Sweeps and body throws
Shime Te - (Constriction Techniques) Pins, chokes, bars, and other constrictions

Chuden - Intermediate Teachings

Goshin Jitsu - (Self-defense techniques) Application of principles from the Shoden boards
Oku No Te - (Deeper Techniques) Combinations of techniques from attacks
Kiai No Maki - Scroll of Spirit Shout Technique
Tetsu-Sen No Maki - Scroll of Iron Fan Techniques
Tanto No Maki - Scroll of Knife Defense Techniques
Daito No Maki - Scroll of Sword Defense Techniques
Bo No Maki - Scroll of Stick Techniques
Tanju No Maki - Scroll of Pistol Defense Techniques

Okuden - Advanced Teachings

Kappo - Resuscitation Techniques
Shinnin No Maki - Beginning Level Black Belt Techniques
Shinyo No Maki - Instructor Level Black Belt Techniques
Shingen No Maki - Advanced Level Black Belt Techniques